Rust Advanced String Generator

Rust Advanced String Generator

Regex String Generator


Supported Patterns

Pattern Description Example Input Example Output
\d Any digit from 0 to 9. \d\d 42, 07
\w Any word character (letters, digits, underscores). \w\w\w abc, 1X_
\s Any whitespace character (space, tab, newline). \s\s ␣␣, \t␣
\D Any non-digit character. \D\D AB, —
\W Any non-word character. \W\W **, @#
\S Any non-whitespace character. \S\S\S abc, a1b
{n,m} Insert between n and m times. \d{2,4} 12, 4321
[abc] Insert any one of the characters a, b, or c. [abc]{3} abc, cab
[^abc] Insert any character except a, b, or c. [^abc]{3} xyz, 123
[a-z] Insert any character in the range from a to z. [a-z]{3} abc, xyz
[0-9]{3:5} Insert any character in the range from a to z. [0-9]{3:5} 00372, 00221
\i+ Insert an incrementing value. \i+\d\d 1300, 1301
\i- Insert a decrementing value. \i-\d\d 1299, 1298
\i{:5} Insert a decrementing value. \i{:5} 01299, 01298
\a Insert a random string from an array of values. \a apple, banana
\a+ Insert a string from an array in ascending order. \a+ apple, banana
\a- Insert a string from an array in descending order. \a- cherry, banana
() Group characters. (\d\d) 42
\1 Backreference to the first captured group. (\d\d)\1 4242
| Alternation; insert either the expression before or after. a|b a, b

This project provides a powerful and flexible string generator based on regex-like patterns, with support for features such as character classes, custom repeats, array-based string selection, incremental values, and more. The application can be compiled and used both as a native Rust library and in a WebAssembly (WASM) context.

Github link here

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